Your Online Reviews Matter.

Which Business Owner Would You Rather Be?

We can drastically improve your online presence FAST, in just a matter of days. Our local 5 star reviewers are standing by, ready to favourably review your company now. What is it costing you to have the vast majority of your potential clients going to your competition? It’s time to take control of your online reviews, and your company’s future.

Book a call now and get your first review for FREE!!*

Regain Control Over Your Reputation

Put yourself in the mindset of a consumer… you’re about to go out for dinner and you’re in the mood for italian. You Google search italian food in your area and 2 restaurants come up.

Restaurant #1 has a 3.5 star review.

Restaurant #2 has a 4.8 star review.

Where will you be eating?

The unfortunate reality is even though both restaurants have great food, statistics say 89.8% of consumers will go to restaurant #2 because of the reviews, without even reading the reviews.

Stop Losing Clients to Your Competition

👉 Are low ratings costing
you valuable customers?

👉 Tired of clients choosing
competitors with higher ratings?

👉 Want to stand out and
attract more business?


Positive reviews showcase your business as a trusted choice in your industry and improve credibility.


One star can make a big difference. Stop losing potential customers to competitors with higher ratings.


High ratings build credibility and boost customer confidence. Consumers are checking you out… before they buy.


Convert more leads by having a strong online reputation and leveraging social proof to galvanize your business.

How Much Business are You Losing?

Our 3 Step Process

We’ll start with a phone call to get clear on your goals

Naturally, we want to make sure our services align with your goals. We start with a phone or zoom call to discuss your business, look at options and set you up with an action plan for success.

We choose a plan that makes sense for your company

Once we pick the right program for you, we collect all the details about your online presence including your current reputation, your website, and your social media profiles that need to be reviewed.

Our expert reviewers will analyze your business

You’ll start to see changes in the coming days, weeks or months, depending on the program you choose. Our team of experts will analyze and review your company at intervals of your choosing.

What Our Customers Are Saying


“I watched my reviews plummet after a local competitor sent their family to bombard me with negtive reviews.

Sky High Ratings helped me get back to where I was and even higher!!”


“We chose to bring Sky High Ratings onboard for reputation management and the results have been nothing short of miraculous. Their service is worth every dollar and more. We’ve doubled our business in the last 6 months.”

If you’re not already rated 5 stars… you should be.